
Myth: All Autistics are the same
Truth: Autism is a SPECTRUM disorder.  Individuals on the Spectrum will have different unique characteristics. 

Myth: Everyone with Autism is Intellectually Disabled
Truth: It is true that SOME people with Autism have an Intellectual Disability, just as it is true that SOME people who are otherwise Neurotypical have an Intellectual Disability.  People on the Spectrum have various degrees of intelligence, and some have higher than average IQs.

Myth: Autistic people are “savants”
Truth: Some people with Autism have special skills, such as being able to see details, work with numbers, and focus in specific areas, but very few are true “savants”.

Myth: People with Autism cannot live a full and independent life
Truth:  Many people on the Spectrum hold jobs, are happily married, have children, and care for themselves and others independently.

Myth: People with Autism are cold and unfeeling
Truth: Autistic individuals have a hard time expressing their emotions in a typical manner, yet are just as capable of FEELING emotions as their Neurotypical counterparts.

Myth: Autistics cannot form meaningful relationships
Truth: People with Autism are capable of forming very close relationships with those whom they trust and feel safe with.  It may take them longer to form bonds, but Autistics tend to be highly loyal and trustworthy to those whom they form relationships with. 

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