What You Can Do

The most important thing you can do is to educate yourself and others about Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Treating EVERYONE with kindness and understanding is a wonderful value that everyone should strive for. 

When you become acquainted with a person with Autism, such as a classmate or work peer, make an extra effort to involve them.   While they may decline your offer, it DOES matter. 

It helps to speak to the person with ASD individually or in a small group in order to reduce the anxiety of social interaction. 

Take on a non-judgmental approach to interacting with others.  Take time to understand why a person behaves a certain way, dresses the way they do, speaks a certain way, or interacts the way they do. 

If you witness ANY person being bullied, step in!  Remember, the person with ASD may not recognize they are being bullied. 

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