
The only cure for Autism is the acceptance of others’ individuality, embracing of differences, and celebration of neurodiversity.

There are many treatments available to help a person on the Spectrum become more independent.  
The earlier a person’s Autism is identified, the earlier treatments can begin, increasing his or her chances of developing coping skills.   
Teaching the person with Autism appropriate behaviors to replace inappropriate behaviors, and teaching the individual to recognize his or her own behaviors and make the necessary adjustments, can lead to a more independent. 
Occupational therapy can help a person learn to manage sensory issues, and physical therapy can help with movement.  Speech therapy is used to help develop communication skills and social skills.  Social Skills groups are designed to facilitate social interaction in a non-judgmental and non-threatening environment. 
Medications can be used to treat co-occurring conditions, but there are no medications specifically for the treatment of Autism. 

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